In order to make sure that the text in a field displays the font that the author intended, the stack must have access to that font.
A stack has access to a font when it resides in the user's System OR when it resides in the stack itself.
You may not have some of the fonts used in this stack in your System, so they have been installed into the stack with the application, Font DA Mover. (For a list of the fonts, click the "Go List" button below.)
You can get the fonts in this stack for your own use by copying them into a new font Suitcase.
-- part contents for background part 14
----- text -----
To copy fonts from a stack (or an Application):
1) Open "Font DA Mover" - (Your System Fonts will be displayed in the box on the left.)
2) Hold the OPTION key down while clicking the open button underneath the box on the right - (ALL files will be displayed, not just font suitcases)
3) Select the stack you want to work on, click open, and all the fonts that have been installed in that stack (if any) will be displayed in the box on the right.